Have you been scouring the internet to find where to get an abortion? Are you panicking to find answers? Or maybe you need more information. We are glad you found this article.
It is normal to feel scared, overwhelmed, or anxious. Facing an unexpected pregnancy is nerve-wracking. Questions may be flooding your brain. What should you do? How are you going to get through this? How are you going to tell your family and friends? Should you tell your family or friends? The questions go on and on.
Maybe you’ve recently moved, or your health is not the best. Perhaps you lost your job. Or, you don’t care for the guy who got you pregnant. Everyone needs someone to listen to them and to care for them. That is why we are here. This is why we want to share with you why you should get an ultrasound before an abortion.
Why get an ultrasound?
Getting an ultrasound before an abortion may seem like a waste of time and or money. However, there are several reasons to get an ultrasound, not limited to the fact that many states require you to get an ultrasound before an abortion.
• To conclude if your pregnancy is viable.
Sometimes pregnancy test detects a positive reading, but the fetal heartbeat is nonexistent
when an ultrasound is performed.
• To decipher how far along you are in your pregnancy.
To know what type of abortion you need, you will need to know how far you are in your
pregnancy. Many women come in thinking they’re further along than they are or vice
versa. A due date can only be determined during an ultrasound.
• To confirm the pregnancy in the uterus.
A pregnancy that is not in the uterus is called an Ectopic Pregnancy. According to the
Mayo Clinic, an ectopic pregnancy can’t proceed normally. The fertilized egg can’t
survive, and the growing tissue may cause life-threatening bleeding if left untreated.
• To determine if you’re miscarrying.
According to March of Dimes, we recommend an ultrasound because 50%
of pregnancies may end in miscarriage. If your body terminates the pregnancy on its
own, you will not need to get an abortion. You could potentially save yourself hundreds
of dollars by getting an ultrasound done now.
• To identify more than one fetus.
Even if you’re leaning towards an abortion, knowing how many fetuses you are carrying is imperative to know.
What should you do now?
Before you decide anything, why not make an appointment? ALL of our services are free and confidential; we are also able to provide referrals to other services, including ultrasounds. We do our absolute best to create an environment where you feel safe, heard, and seen. You shouldn’t have to bear this burden alone. Call us at 913-287-8287 or schedule your appointment online today.
We look forward to serving you because you deserve quality care!