Are You Thinking About Parenting?
The Idea of Parenting may feel overwhelming. Perhaps you want to be a parent, but…
- You have other goals that you want to accomplish before having children.
- You feel like you don’t have the support you need to provide for a baby.
- You just don’t know where to start when it comes to parenthood.
Are You Looking for a Parenting Program?
We offer a parenting program at our clinics. The program provides education during your pregnancy so you feel prepared for when the baby comes. Then we provide support until the baby is 3 years old, so you feel confident in your parenting decision. For more information on our parenting program, schedule an appointment with us today!
Referrals for Community Resources
We provide referrals for community resources including:
- Health insurance
- Housing
- Prenatal Care
- Other services available upon request
Whatever you may need, we’re here to help. Our years of successful partnership with other community agencies and social services organizations can be put to work for you!
Talk With Us About Parenthood
We know that parenting can be overwhelming, but it can also be rewarding. We want to walk this journey with you so you feel confident about being a parent. Support, care, and parenting programs are available for you at no cost. To learn more and discuss what it would look like to parent, schedule an appointment with us today!